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Historical Pricing Information

The following pricing information is available for this item.
VendorConditionSourceList PriceQuantity Sold ListedEnded
a-t-day Used - $1.00 0 Apr/23/24 Apr/23/24
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
rodstan123 Used - $4,397.00 0 Jan/31/24 Jan/31/24
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
follyhomeandfabric Used - $1.00 0 Jan/26/24 Jan/26/24
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
watchbox Used - $1.00 0 Jan/25/24 Jan/25/24
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
buy2sell.dk Used - $1.00 0 Jan/17/24 Jan/17/24
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
franco7720 Used - $1.00 0 Jan/02/24 Jan/03/24
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
lazirke Used - $1.00 0 Dec/04/23 Dec/04/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
www.briefmarken-web-com Used - $1.00 0 Nov/05/23 Nov/06/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
dreamalive60 Used - $1.00 0 Oct/11/23 Oct/11/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
mgh12340 Used - $1.00 0 Oct/09/23 Oct/09/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
frankv7935 Used - $1.00 0 Oct/05/23 Oct/05/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
garlandcomputer Used - $1.00 0 Oct/05/23 Oct/05/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
epicurean11 Used - $1.00 0 Sep/19/23 Sep/19/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
1399190 Used - $10.13 0 Sep/10/23 Sep/10/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
designnovelty2014 Used - $1.00 0 Aug/07/23 Aug/07/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
juliechulfc1 Used - $1.00 0 Aug/02/23 Aug/03/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
africanrefugee Used - $4,397.00 0 Jul/22/23 Jul/22/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
elko-company Used - $10.13 0 Jul/22/23 Jul/22/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
shopping-ferret Used - $10.13 0 Jul/22/23 Jul/22/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
outletmp3 Used - $10.13 0 Jun/24/23 Jun/24/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
hhulo Used - $10.13 0 Jun/11/23 Jun/11/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
generalbonaparte Used - $10.13 0 Jun/04/23 Jun/04/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
aincoln0 Used - $10.13 0 May/28/23 May/28/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
bo19531 Used - $2.13 0 Apr/02/23 Apr/03/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
rodagon88 Used - $10.13 0 Apr/01/23 Apr/01/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
ghis6969 Used - $10.13 0 Mar/25/23 Mar/25/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
punki64 Used - $10.13 0 Mar/20/23 Mar/20/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
man7183 Used - $10.13 0 Mar/13/23 Mar/13/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
papyrus10 Used - $10.13 0 Mar/12/23 Mar/13/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
ledamoiseau Used - $10.13 0 Mar/05/23 Mar/06/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
eleganthairextensions Used - $10.13 0 Feb/26/23 Feb/27/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
zartons Used - $10.13 0 Feb/10/23 Feb/10/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
global-audio-store Used - $10.13 0 Feb/09/23 Feb/09/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
mppatrick Used - $10.13 0 Jan/14/23 Jan/14/23
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
napo12 Used - $10.13 0 Dec/19/22 Dec/19/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
giftwearonline Used - $10.13 0 Dec/18/22 Dec/18/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
fma16000 Used - $10.13 0 Dec/07/22 Dec/07/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
079gabriel2005 Used - $10.13 0 Dec/05/22 Dec/05/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
voltapaginanet Used - $10.13 0 Nov/29/22 Nov/30/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
europlantsvivai Used - $2.13 0 Nov/19/22 Nov/19/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
napoleon155 Used - $10.13 0 Oct/29/22 Oct/29/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
recortitos Used - $10.13 0 Oct/24/22 Oct/24/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
filateliadesimoni Used - $10.13 0 Oct/22/22 Oct/22/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
pyreneescollections Used - $10.13 0 Oct/11/22 Oct/11/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH 0100-76257 0100-20335 0130-20265 0010-52035
j316gallery Used - $7,329.00 1 Mar/18/21 Sep/05/22
Description: 24958 APPLIED MATERIALS RF MATCH, 0100-76257, 0100-20335, 0130-20265 0010-52035