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No vendors currently have this item listed on wSemi.
This item has been viewed 4 times
Most recent views:
Tuesday, Jun/04/2024 at 9:26 pm CST
Thursday, Apr/18/2024 at 9:17 pm CST
Monday, Aug/07/2023 at 12:09 am CST
Wednesday, Jan/20/2021 at 6:46 am CST
Historical Pricing Information
The following pricing information is available for this item. |
Vendor | Condition | Source | List Price | Quantity Sold |
Listed | Ended | |
capitolareatech |
- |
0 |
Dec/20/16 |
Jun/06/17 |
Description: AMAT 0242-04098 KIT, EXH DUCT/INTLK, TOXIC M/F RTP |
capitolareatech |
- |
0 |
Jul/09/16 |
Sep/15/16 |
Description: AMAT 0242-04098 KIT, EXH DUCT/INTLK, TOXIC M/F RTP |
capitolareatech |
- |
0 |
Mar/02/16 |
Jun/30/16 |
Description: AMAT 0242-04098 KIT, EXH DUCT/INTLK, TOXIC M/F RTP |